Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a current topic for us in relation to the optimized planning, execution and management of buildings.
As used by various organizations and professionals, we use the US National BIM Standards Committee (NBIMS) definition of BIM: “Building Information Modeling is the digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility and creates a reliable base for decision-making through a shareable pool of relevant data throughout the entire life cycle of the building. This starts with the early idea and ends with demolition.
The BIM model is created in the first planning phase. This is expanded with appropriate information by all players involved, including builders, architects, building contractors, etc. Those are included in the diffrent service phases. The completion of a building, management and demolition of projects can be carried out on the base of a common building model.
This enables the processes to be carried out efficiently and cost-effectively. The expansion of previously used drawings, tables and other documents into communication and information models enables better monitoring of time, material and cost planning.